Joompay Complaint Resolution Procedure

Effective Date: May 14, 2021.


Joompay Europe S.A. are committed to offering you the best customer service. We recognise that on rare occasions things can go wrong and you may wish to highlight a complaint to us so we can help resolve your issues.

How do I resolve issues?

The quickest and most effective way to resolve any issues is to contact our Customer services team via the in app chat or by email at Our agents will be able to assist you and resolve any problems you may be facing.

What if I am unable to resolve my issues and want to raise a complaint?

Most issues can be solved by contacting our Customer services team via the in app chat, however, if they are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction you can raise a complaint in writing to Joompay’s management via the below methods:

Email us at

Or alternatively a recorded delivery letter to Joompay’s postal address:

Joompay - Complaints
21 rue Glesener
1631 Luxembourg

In order to assist you with your complaint we ask that you clearly state:

  • Your identity, including your full name
  • Your contact details such as email address, phone number and street address
  • Your Joompay account number (if you are a Joompay Customer)
  • A detailed description of your complaint and how you would like us to resolve it
  • Any other relevant information or supporting evidence that will help us resolve your complaint
  • A copy of a valid Proof of Identity (ID card, passport, or residence permit) if you are not a Joompay account holder.

Once we have received your complaint with all the relevant information detailed above we will:

  • Acknowledge in writing, receipt of your complaint within a period not exceeding 10 business days, unless the resolution is provided within this period
  • Register your complaint and actions we have taken to resolve it
  • Inform you of the name and contact details of the person in charge of resolving your complaint

During any investigation of your complaint Joompay commit to:

  • Gather and to investigate all relevant evidence and information related to the complaint
  • Communicate in a plain and easily comprehensible language
  • Provide an answer without undue delay and, within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receipt of the complaint
  • Where an answer cannot be provided within this period, Joompay will inform you of the causes of the delay and indicate the date at which a conclusion is likely to be achieved

What if I am still unhappy with the resolution of my complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the response from Joompay, you have the possibility to raise your complaint to Joompay’s Management, referring to the initial complaint, in an email or recorded delivery letter to the same address as the initial complaint.

Joompay’s Management will then handle your complaint following the same steps as other complaints:

  • Acknowledge in writing, receipt of your complaint within a period not exceeding 10 business days, unless the resolution is provided within this period
  • Register your complaint and actions we have taken to resolve it
  • Inform you of the name and contact details of the person in charge of resolving your complaint
  • Provide an answer without undue delay and, within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receipt of the complaint
  • Where an answer cannot be provided within this period, Joompay will inform you of the causes of the delay and indicate the date at which a conclusion is likely to be achieved.

What if I am still unhappy with the resolution of my complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the response from Joompay’s management in relation to your complaint you can use the out-of-court complaint resolution procedure offered by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

Please be aware that your request must be submitted within one year from the first submission of your complaint to Joompay, and you should have exhausted the process set out above. You can find more information on the CSSF website, where you will find the instructions on how to submit a complaint to CSSF online, by mail, fax or email.

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